Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Creating Animations

In flash we create animations by changing the content of successive frames.We can make an object move across the stage,increase or decrease its size,rotate,change color,fade in or out,or change shape.Changes can occur independently or simultaneously with other changes.For example,you can make an object rotate and fade in as it moves across the stage.
There are two methods for creating an animation sequence in Flash:
*Frame-by-frame Animation.
*Tween Animation.
Frame By Frame Technique To Animate
In frame by frame animation you create the image in every frame.
Aim:To make a quick animation of flying an airpalne across the Stage.
Step1:Draw a airplane or import it.Convert it into the Symbol.

Step2:Single click to the right of the keyframe dot in layer 1 and then click in the second frame of layer1
Step3:Click Insert -> Insert Keyframe or press F6,which inserts a keyframe in frame 2 with a copy of the airplane.
Step4:Make a slight change in the position of an airplane towards right of the stage.Here you should be sure that you are presently in the frame 2,if not then click in frame 2 of the Timeline.
Step5:Now we create the third frame,click in layer 1 right after frame 2 and press F6 which copies the contents of frame2 into the new keyframe in frame 3.
Step6:Make a slight change in the position of an airplane towards the right of the stage.Check that the change in position is done in the frame 3.
Step7:Continue to insert keyframes one at a time.
Previewing Animation.
The best way to view animatin is though Control -> Test Movie
Test Movie exports .swf file in the foler where our file is saved.Now our folder will have one additional .swf file.Go to the folder and double-click the .swf file this will lunch the Flash Player programe for you to view the result.
Hope you understood whatever I told you in this blog.I shall be telling you about How to use the onion skin tool in my next blog till then take care.
Thanks for reading!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Knowing Symbols and Instances

One of the great things about Flash is that it allows you to create a graphic once use it over and over again.This allows your Flash animation to download faster.
Now many of you must be thinking that what are symbols.Symbols are reusable elements and can be put in the library.In order to animate something in Flash it must be first changed into a Symbol.So the next question arises what are instances.When we place a symbol on the stage from the library it is called an instance of that symbol.

Creating Symbols.
Aim:Draw a fish.Converting a fish into a symbol and place in the library.
Step1:Select the fish by pressing Ctrl+A.
Step2:Group it by pressing Ctrl+G
Step3:Select Insert -->Convert to Symbols or Press F8
Symbol Properties dialog box will appear:
By default the behavior is on 'Movie Clip'.It is right option because some time we are not sure which behavior is the best.Button behavior is selected when we are creating action buttons.Graphics behavior is used for synchronization applications.

Step4:Name you symbol 'Fish',click that it's a Graphic and pick a registration point.
What is a Registration Point??
This is the point that you would use as the 'center' if you want to rotate the Symbol.
Step5:Click OK
Step6:Press CTRL+L to open the library window and notice one symbol 'FISH' in the library.
Step7:Delete the fish from the stag and drag it from the library for the use.
Try This!!
Draw an airplane in Macromedia Flash and convert it into a symbol.
Hope you will try this and if you are not able to do this excercise you can leave a comment or e mail me at ranibhardwaj31@gmail.com and ask your queries.I will surly repay them.Thanks for reading

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Understanding Animations in Flash

Today I will be telling you about Animations in Flash.Now many of you must be thinking that what is animation and what does it mean.Animation is made from individual images.It is a collection of still images,but motion is created with the help of animations.When we watching any action of an object,at the time of blinking of our eyes,our brain covers the fact that we have missed part of the action.But actually the black moments are so short makes us think that we are watching the full motion.
Components Of Animation.

Keyframe:Keyframes define the moment in the timeline where actions or animations occur.
Playhead:The playhead shows the current frame that we are viewing in the timeline.
Blank Keyframe:A blank keyframe is an empty location on the timeline which is ready to have the contents placed.
Frame View:The Frame View allows you to change how the timeline is displayed.

Layers:Layers organize your work from back to front on the stage so that one object can move in front of other one.
Current Frame:This displays the current position of the playhead.
Frame Rate:This shows the number of frames per second (fps) our animation will play in the browser.
Elapsed Time:Shows the time elapsed from Frame 1 to our current position at the selected fps.
Flash Movies can refer to three different kinds of files:
Mymovie.fla File type:Project
This always has an extension of .fla and is the master authoring file used to edit contents.
Mymovie.swf File type:Movie
This always has an extension of .swf and is the only kind of file you will upload to the Internet.It is a compiled version of your project.
Mymovie.exe File type:Windows projector A stand alone projector file for viewing on a windows computer.
What to know more about flash??Have a look at my upcoming blogs about flash.Till then take care and thanks for reading.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Drawing and Coloring Tools in Flash

So how have you been??Today I will be telling you about how to use the drawing and coloring Tools in Flash.Flash hs its own set of tools.Most of these would be familiar if you've worked on Ms-Paint or any other paint program.Flash produces images that are Vector based,some of the functions will be different.Different types of tools in flash are-:

The Arrow Tool:Helps to select a object easily.
The Line Tool:Creates straight lines.If you hold down the Shift Key you will get lines that are at a 45 degree angle.
The Lasso Tool:Allows us to select an object or a piece of an object by clicking and dragging around it.
The Pen Tool:Creates a straight or a curved line.
The Text Tool:Allows you to add text fields to your movie.
The Oval Tool:Creates circles and ovals.If you hold down the Shift Key then you will get a perfect Circle or Oval.
The Rectangle Tool:Creates squares and Rectangles.If you hold down the shift key you will get a perfect squre or rectangle.
The Pencil Tool:Draws lines in three different modes:straighten,smooth & ink.If we hold down the Shift Key you can create perfect horizontal and verticle lines.
The Brush Tool:Creates shapes with fills only.
The Free Transform Tool:Allows you to modify objects.With the tool you can scale,rotate,flip & skew the object.
The Fill Transform Tool:Allows you to change the size,direction or center of a gradient or bitmap fill.
The Ink Bottle Tool:Can be used to change the colour or width of a line or to add a stroke to a shape.It will not change the fill of a shape.
The Paint Bucket Tool:Adds a fill inside the shape or changes the color of a fill.
The Eyedropper Tool:This tool is used to copy the fill or stroke attributes ofan object and apply it to another object.
The Eraser Tool:This tool is used to remove unwanted areas on the Stage.
Hope this information helps you while you are working on Flash.I shall surly tell you more about Flash and how to use these tools to make animated movies.Till then take care.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Basic Of Flash

Today I will be telling you about flash.Flash is one of the important elements for making a website look good.Now you must be thinking that what is flash.Let me tell you that flash is a technology that allows web designers to create animations and interractive movies,which can then be embedded into their web pages.HTML is ideal for creating web sites where text and images are placed at fixed portion.But it doesn't really support dynamic sites,where text,images and animations are moving around the screen.
Advantages of Flash.
* Flash is useful for vector graphics.
* Flash movies can be stored in very small file size,Therefore they can download and start playing rapidly.

Types of files that flash uses.
There are three important file types need to understand in flash:
Source Files (.fla):This is the source Flash movie that we save while working.This file has an extension .fla.It means any file with .fla extension can be opened and edited.
Exported files (.swf):This is a Flash Player file.When we finish with editing of our source file and are ready to distribute,we simply export an .swf file 'Flash Player File'.This file can be viewed on any Internet Browser with Flash Player plug in.The viewer can only watch it but is not allowed to edit it.
HTML files (.htm):HTML files in Flash contains all the details about pictures that are supposed to be seen on the web page as image file name,location address etc.
Today I will be telling you this much only and shall be updating you about the advanced flash in my upcoming blogs so keep waiting.If you have any inqures you can leave a comment or e mail me at
Thanks for reading

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Anchor tags


So today I will be telling you about what are anchor tags.I think that the first thing that must have come to your mind is How to use anchor tags or what are anchor tags.

Anchor tags are tags which are used to link one website/webpage to another.The tag used for anchor tag is ‘a href’. Please note that instead of these’’ use < > angular brackets.For example if you wish that your website/webpage should be linked with my blog you can give a tag of and my blogs link that is http://htmlforbeginnerz.blogspot.com. Like I am linking my site with google with the tag a href.http://www.blogger.com/www.google.com.So hope that you got to know what are anchor tags and for what they are used.If you have any inquires or douts you can leave a comment or e-mail me at ranibhardwaj31@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Today I shall be telling you about what are HTML Tags.HTML Tags are codes which help you to get your text the way you want!Like if you what you that the text you have written should be bold or italic or if you want to insert images.So the different types of tags/codes are as follows-:
1.If we want to make our text bold we use 'b' or 'strong' to open and '/b' or '/strong' to close.For example HTML Codes.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
2.If we want to make our text italic we use 'i' to open and'/i' to close.For example HTML TAGS.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
3.If you want to make your text underline we use 'u' to open and '/u' to close.For example HTML CODES.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
4.If you wish that your text should be both bold and underlined we use 'b' 'u' '/u' '/b'.Remember that whatever comes fist closes last.For example Have a good day.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
5.If you want that the text should be center aligned we the 'center' tag to open and '/center' tag to close.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
6.If you wish to upload a image you can use the'img src=path of image'.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
7.If you want that your text should move you can use the 'markquee' tag.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
8.If you wish that you text should be in a paragraph you can use 'p' tag to open and '/p' tag to close.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
9.If you wish to delete text you can you 'strike' tag.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
10.If you want that your text should come in the next line you can use the 'br' tag.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
11.If you wish that your text should be big use 'big' tag.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
12.If you wish that you text should be small yse 'small' tag.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
13.To place a short description of the picture in the background which becomes visible on placing the mouse cursor on it we use 'alt' tag. The tag 'a href ' stands for anchor reference text.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
14.If you wish to emphsis text you can use the 'em' tag.
NOTE-:Instead of these '' use angular brackets <>.
These are the majour tags that are used in HTML.Now many people ask that if there are keybord shortcuts for these tags.Yes there are keybord shortcuts like if you want to make text bold you can press Ctrl+b or if you like to make your text italic you can use Ctrl+i and so on.
If you have any problems or did'nt understood anything you can leave a comment or e mail me at ranibhardwaj31@gmail.com. I shall surely replay your equires.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Basic Of HTML

So many people ask that what does HTML stands for HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.I shall be telling you the history of HTML.HTML was developed a few years ago as subset of SGML (Standard Generalized Mark up Language) which is a high-level markup language that has been used by the Department of Defence.Like HTML,it defines different components of a document and describes formatting and hypertext links.If you want to make a website or a webpage you must know what is HTML and how to you use HTML.To create a website you can use Macromedia Dreamweaver and Microsoft Frontpage but the best way to create a website is to use your own HTML codes but while you are making your website it is very necessary to write proper KEY WORDS.Search Engines like Google,Yahoo,MSN look at your keywords and rank your websites accordingly.The appropriate your keyword is the higher your ranking is and more you get traffic on your websites.For any information you can leave a comment or e mail me at
ranibhardwaj31@gmail.com .Thanks for reading!